Communications of Jssac 2012

On an Implementation of Standard Bases, Grobner Bases and Normal-form Using Algebraic Local Cohomology Katsusuke Nabeshima1
Efficient Singleton Set Constraint Solving by Boolean Grobner Bases Shutaro Inoue27
Improving Suzuki-Sato's CGS Algorithm by Using Stability of Grobner Bases and Basic Manipulations for Efficient Implementation Yosuke Kurata39
The Bell locus of rational functions and problems of Goldberg Masayo Fujimura, Mohaby Karima and Masahiko Taniguchi67
Design and Implementation of a WEB-browser Tool BrEdiMa for Mathematical Expressions Yasuhito Nakano, Hirokazu Murao and Daisuke Morimitsu75

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